
Markkinointi-instituutti (Business ID: 0201689-0)
Revontulentie 7, 02100 Espoo, Finland

The person in charge / contact

Janne Heinonen,

Name of the register

Customer register of the Kairos mobile application

The purpose for the use of a register

The register is formed in order to manage customer relationship. It is aimed especially to enable the user management of the application.

Content of the register

Register includes email addresses of the registrees.

Regular sources of information

Peronal data is gathered from the users. Employer can provide necessary work related email addresses if application is purchased by employer.

We also use third party services to gather analytics and usage data of our service. This information is non-personal and the data is not connected to the Customer register of the Kairos mobile application.

Regular destinations of disclosed data and transferring data 

No data is transferred to the cooperation partners of the Markkinointi-instituutti per se. However access to register can be allowed to the partners executing the service.

No data is transferred countries outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

The principles how the file is secured

Personal data is saved in the information system used by the application administrator and the system is protected with passwords. The register and the access rights are managed by Markkinointi-instituutti. Technical subcontractors are able to access the register for technical purposes only.

Rights to survey and correct personal data

Every user has right to survey one’s personal data in the register.

Every user has right to demand correction of the incorret data in the register. This is essential to enable the use of the application because the stored email is part of the sign in information.
